Estimados compañeros de aprendizaje les dejo este video para que
reflexionen sobre él.
Con base en el video desarrolla un comentario y súbelo en esta sección, saludos
Amigo docente del nuevo milenio. Este es un espacio para que publiques, tus logros, inquietudes, dudas, respuestas, comentarios o lo que consideres puede hacer que el aprendizaje este lleno de amor, buscando desarrollar ciudadanos responsables y comprometidos con la sociedad y la naturaleza, exaltando su espiritualidad. PUBLICA TODO LO QUE QUIERAS ESTE ES UN ESPACIO PARA TI Con cariño Sergio Robert Gálvez.
TV is a medium in which we were entertained .. so stop doing important things
Borraryou are right we are distracted with much TV
children now no longer interested in the outside world that the technology has chained and if not they realize what goes around
BorrarPérez M
BorrarI agree with you, mate good observation
ResponderBorrarThe child does not pay attention to their environment and that can only be focused on what you see on TV, so your dog will
Pérez M
BorrarYou are right, because today we are more interested in technology. :)
Excellent! I like the meaning and point of view you gave the video.
Pérez M
ResponderBorrartechnology distances us from reality, but it is true that without it we could not do so many things, but would not be wrong to limit its use.
tienes mucha razon pero aveces no podemos limitar el tiempo que perdemos por que en ocaciones nos llega a ganar el vicio..
BorrarExcellent! I like the meaning and point of view you gave the video.
Borrarvery good !
casanueva M
ResponderBorrarit's true! we have to have time for everything and exploit people or things around us
Pérez M
Borrarfany true
i agree that
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ResponderBorrarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderBorrarthere are many important and interesting things to us if we could carry out would be spared time in unproductive things like watching television.
tienes razon aveces perdemos el tiempo en cosas no importantes y es una gran pedida de tiempo ...
Borraraveces le damos mas intereces a otras cosas que sabemos que no nos lleva a nada productivo y es algo que devemos cambiar
Borrarthe dog is man's best friend there are more important things to do than watching television nobody knows what they have until they see lost.
ResponderBorrartienes razon compañera los verdaderos amigos son pocos y es malo cuando se pierden por cosas tan insignificantes
BorrarExcellent! I like the meaning and point of view you gave the video.
Borrarvery... good !!!!
you are right because no one knows what you have until you lose it
BorrarNo doubt, no doubt humans give more value to material things, to be a true friend
ResponderBorraryou're right, your comment is very good
Borrargood answer I stay clear
Borrarthat interest us more on people than on material things
Borrarhello...for me it was more of understanding the course wlingua since first gives you an overview of the words you're using and so is easy learning just as you can do on the activities that you were not good average and learn best.
ResponderBorrarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Borrartrue wlingua was easier and were more common if fraces and I liked
BorrarCastillo A
ResponderBorraris a very interesting video because it shows how technology have changed us as people and ignore our loved ones
that's true because only distracts us from the things that are worthwhile
Borrarsometimes we do not give the wings as we preferred value things distracted by things that are not worth it
ResponderBorrarps eso si tienen que aprovechar lo que tienen si no después se arrepentirán
Borrarboth programs were well and both learned Duolingo but was more difficult because you could not pass the level if you lost the hearts Wlingua program was easier because everything you put him to alcanse but learned more with Duolingo
ResponderBorrarmust understand that animals are not an object that we can use when we want if they are also human
ResponderBorrarmust understand that animals are not an object that we can use when we want if they are also human
ResponderBorrartienes razón ps tambien sienten y ps la tv no es buena
Borrartechnology changes the youth of today and in the video the child leaves your pet on the tv and that's not good the fun is lost and no childhood or just stop being laughing children
ResponderBorrarthe difference between Duolingo or wlingua is that Duolingo having fun a bit more like it's more to the game and you can see the hidden phrases in Spanish and wlingua not wlingua is different because you ase repeat things or words every lesson you realize your writing and you pronusnciasion
ResponderBorrarmust avoid manipulate by the mediaas it affects people a round us wings not so much people in this case the petan animal also needs love